Ginger Tea

Ginger tea has been used here in St Lucia and many islands in the Caribbean for both medicinal purposes and it is also a delicious hot drink...although I have a friend that enjoys it on ice too. šŸ˜‰

It's most often used when someone has stomach trouble or digestive issues but it has many other benefits to your body and health that I'll explain below.


4 C water

1/2 C pounded or sliced ginger

1/2 C pounded or sliced tumericĀ 

Step 1:

Pound the ginger and turmeric with a mortar and pestle to break it open. Or you can just slice it.

Step 2:

Add the water and roots to a large pot and bring to boil. Let boil 10-15 minutes.

Step 3:

Enjoy a nice cup of medicinal (and tasty) tea. It's best to drink it with no sugar but a small bit of honey can be addedĀ to make it more palatable.

GingerĀ is a good anti-inflammatory and has antioxidant effects.Ā Turmeric is also a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.

The combination is a powerhouse for inflammation!

This tea has been shown to be effective at reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis and as a digestive stimulant. It's used to treat gout and counteract rheumatoid pains quite successfully.

On top of that, ginger can be effective in treatingĀ sore throats, colds, fever, and nausea. It breaks up mucus which opens up the lungs for better breathing and relief.

While turmeric is also used to increaseĀ and improve brain function which lowers the risk of brain diseases such asĀ Alzheimerā€™s disease.

So start each day with a fresh cup of ginger tea!

And remember...

Another great recipe will come next week! So keep an eye on your inbox next Thursday. šŸ™‚

Stay safe and enjoy your journey.

Uncle Sammy

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