Tamarind – The Ultimate Pressure Reliever

The tamarind tree produces brown, pod-like fruits that contain a sweet, tangy pulp, which is used in cuisines around the world.

This fruit is also used to treat high blood pressure.

It is most often shelled and then boiled and made into a juice, which can be sweetened with honey or brown sugar.

Many people also like to use the pulp in cooking… It tastes great in BBQ sauce for chicken!

The fruit is loaded with vitamin C and can be both sweet and sour in taste so make sure to taste a little pinch before putting the whole seed into your mouth. *wink*

So, if you like a nice sweet and sour flavor…or you have high blood pressure…

This is the fruit for you!

And you can find it on Amazon.

If you want to learn more about the tamarind and other ways you can enjoy it…

JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP and get the special guide “The Glory of Herbs: 100 Natural Home Remedies to Stay Healthy” as my gift.

Then, check out the recipes on the site… Plus receive a new one each week! All natural. All healthy. All easy to make.

Stay safe and enjoy your journey.

Uncle Sammy

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