Oh Mama! It’s Guava…

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Guavas are tropical trees originating in Central America. It has been spread by man, birds, and other animals to all warm areas of tropical America and in the West Indies (since 1526).

Their fruits are oval in shape with light green or yellow skin and contain edible seeds. The leaves are used as an herbal tea and the leaf extract as a supplement.

Did you know guavas are one of the richest sources of vitamin C? It’s true! Guava fruit contains 4 times the vitamin C content present in oranges. Vitamin C helps improve immunity and protects you against common infections.

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Guava fruits are amazingly high in dietary fiber making it a great choice for people with digestive issues and diabetes.

It has also been shown to be widely successful in reducing prostate cancer risk and also inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells since it is rich in lycopene.

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Guava fruit helps improve the sodium and potassium balance of the body, which regulates blood pressure. It lowers the levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL), which reduces your risk of heart disease.

This magical fruit improves eyesight due to its high Vitamin A content, reduces stress due to high magnesium, and even helps with weight loss by regulating your metabolism!!

Simply put… Guava is a winner!

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If you want to learn more about the guava and other herbs that can improve your health and help fight disease, you can get my book “The Glory of Herbs” on Amazon. Available in Kindle and Paperback. 

Stay safe and enjoy your journey.

Uncle Sammy

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