Going Green Bananas!

Green bananas are the same bananas you would eat as ripe fruit for breakfast or a snack, but they’re often prepared as a vegetable in the Caribbean, mostly in savory dishes.

As it turns out, green bananas are healthier than yellow bananas, because they contain loads of fiber which is good for people with digestive and bowel problems. It is especially beneficial for people with IBS and constipation.

It is loaded with iron and also potassium, which helps in regulating blood pressure levels. It is a powerhouse of nutrients. It enables slow release in sugar which provides greater control over sugar and insulin levels in the body.

Eating green bananas in the Caribbean is perfectly normal, even preferred. And if you’re not a fan of the banana-y flavor of bananas, this solves that issue, since green bananas don’t have a strong flavor.

So what do you do with a green banana?

Just cut up green bananas into fries or thin slices as you would potatoes or sweet potatoes. Then simply fry them in oil and you’ve got yourself a delicious treat!

One of my favorites is to have it in fish broth! You can check out the recipe here.

There are many other ways to enjoy green bananas as well! If you want to learn more or get recipes, simply…

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Stay safe and enjoy your journey.

Uncle Sammy

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