It’s Wonder Bread (Fruit)

The breadfruit grows in tropical regions. It’s around the size of a football and round and green when mature. When the fruit is ready for picking it will excrete minerals from the skin that resemble salt.

A lot of people say that breadfruit tastes similar to freshly-baked bread when cooked (which explains the name). It can also taste similar to potatoes. Although riper varieties taste sweeter because the starch converts to sugar in the heat.

There is less than one gram of fat in a cup of raw breadfruit, making this a naturally low-fat food which makes it a good food choice for energy without the weight gain. 🙂 Breadfruit contains a high amount of protein, polyunsaturated fat, and amino acids which can’t be produced by the human body. It also contains a lot of micronutrients like Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E just to name a few.

So…how do I choose, prepare, and cook it? Watch the videos below to find out!

First, you have to choose a nice breadfruit…

Now, you have to prepare the breadfruit for roasting…

Finally, you roast it on the grill until it’s just right…

Now, you are ready to enjoy your breadfruit!

My personal favorite is sliced breadfruit with some salt fish and sliced avocado. Many enjoy it with lentils on top. Be creative and find your own favorite way to enjoy this delicious fruit! The possibilities are endless. 🙂

If you want to learn more about the breadfruit and other ways you can enjoy it…

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