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Ever wonder how to make charcoal and why some charcoals make your food taste so nice? Let me show you!
Step 1: Dig a hole in the ground large enough to hold the amount of wood you wish to convert to charcoal.
Step 2: Arrange the wood inside the hole mixing up the sizes so the small pieces are mixed in with the big pieces.
Step 3: Cover all the wood with a thick layer of grass (dry if possible). About 6-8 inches is best.
Step 4: Apply about 3/4 inches of dirt on top of the grass. Be sure to leave a small hole near the top so you can light the and wood inside. The grass is the insulator so try not to light it if you can.
Step 5: Close off the hole you used to light the wood.
Step 6: Observe and make sure it doesn’t cave in. Leave it for 24-48 hours depending on the size of the coal pit.
Step 7: When it’s done, you will notice less smoke coming from your coal pit because the wood has carbonized. Now, you can carefully remove the dirt and douse with water.
Step 8: You have charcoal! 🙂
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ALTERNATIVE METHOD: If you don’t have a yard or place to dig a coal pit, you can use a large metal barrel to create your charcoal. Just start with step 2 above.
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Stay safe and enjoy your journey.